Gillum House

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Podcast with Mr. Z

October 7, 2011: We have spoken in the past about MountainFest and the paintings of John Panek. Today, I am telling how one can hear about your hosts at the Gillum House – in their own voices. We recently had a call from Mr. Z also known as Matthew Zanoskar, who is a very experienced motorcyclist and effective communicator. He wanted to interview us after seeing the article by Ed Youngblood on posted the podcast on his web site so go to and click on September 30, 2011 to hear the podcast of that date, the interview of Bikes, Bed, and Breakfast with John and Kathleen Panek. He interviews about John's history with motorcycles and art and the Gillum House Bed & Breakfast.A fun story about the interview – truth – John came into the Library/office as we were doing the podcast via Skype and sat in the “captain’s chair”.

36th Anniversary photoJohn has a foot rest under his drawing table and moved his foot around to find one under the desk in the office. Well into the interview, the computer went dead! But it came right back up. The uninterruptable power source should have prevented that if it was a power glitch. Why didn’t it? We got reconnected and continued – but it happened again, TWICE more! At that point, I figured out what was happening. He was hitting the switch on the power strip and turning everything off!! We moved his foot and were able to finish. Mr. Z and his technician were wonderfully understanding. We had a great laugh.

Thank you, Mr. Z. It was a pleasure talking to you