Breakfast? Bocce? BOTH!
May 19, 2012: Today was the Harrison County United Way Bocce Tournament. I was playing on the WAJR-FM team at 9:00 AM. BUT I had to perform innkeeping duties before I could go. I love innkeeping and cooking but Reuben was counting on me.I have in-house a lovely lady named Liz who is a vegetarian. It is interesting to make new things – and I tried out a new recipe in Liz this morning. I must admit, the second I put the platter on the table, telling her what it was, I was grabbing the car keys and heading to Ferguson Memorial Park. Our Park has 2 tournament grade bocce courts – under roof and with lights. Before I took the platter in to the dining room I grabbed my camera to take a photo of the new dish on the breakfast rotation.Liz is a vegetarian, not a Vegan, and I have enjoyed preparing breakfasts for her. So far she has had my sour cream & chives with 3-cheese egg bake with my herb bread and our baked oatmeal with vanilla yogurt. This morning was a brand new recipe that turned out VERY nicely. It is Spinach & Potatoes with fennel seeds Hash. Since I grabbed the camera just before taking the dish into the dining room, you do not see the honeydew and papaya fruit bowl with a sprig of mint from our herb garden. She also had herb bread toast.The teams scheduled to play today were: WesBanco Bank, Fairmont Federal Credit Union, WYK Associates, WBOY-TV, WAJR-FM, Pepsi, City of Shinnston, and United Way.Reuben Perdue of WAJR-FM usually manages to put his body through discomfort for charity but this time it was to be pure fun. Since the WAJR-FM staff bailed on him, Reuben recruited Steve Hamilton, a member of Reuben’s Facebook Morning Edition Fan Club, Carla Hinerman, Municipal Judge for the City of Shinnston, and Kathleen Panek, innkeeper.
In our first game, we were surprised to win over the WesBanco Team led by Joe Flynn who drove down from Pittsburgh to play. Thank you, Joe! Then we beat Fairmont Federal Credit Union in the second winners’ round. Then we lost to WBOY and to the City of Shinnston, placing third in the Tournament. Marie Battles of the United Way presented the Trophy to WBOY-TV who had a helping hand from one of the ladies from WKY Associates to replace one of their ladies who had to leave to cover a story. It was a fun day that raised money for a great Cause.Bocce leagues in Shinnston start on Monday, May 21. The next scheduled Tournament is the Italian Heritage Festival Bocce Tournament on August 25. Come play in Shinnston! Pssst!!! Tonight Liz told me the breakfast was VERY good!!