Get a Ride and Help a Charity!
December 05, 2012: A unique opportunity is currently being offered at the North-Central Regional Airport. Through the Choppers For Charity Program, helicopter rides are being offered to the public for $10 – and each $10 ride gets $20 donated to one of these four charities: United Way of Harrison County, United Way of Marion County, Mountaineer Food Bank, or Northern Appalachian Teen Challenge, Inc. The rider chooses which charity benefits from his/her ride.A ride in a helicopter has been an item on the To DO List of the innkeeper at the Gillum House Bed & Breakfast for a very long time. She has flown in small planes, prop planes, jets, and a glider but never a helicopter nor a balloon. She seized on the opportunity. She arranged to meet Reuben Perdue of WAJR-FM 103.3FM at the airport and they were going to take the ride – a first time for both – together. Instead of the large helicopter expected, a small 2-passenger “bubble” (my term) helicopter was being used on Thursday, December 5, 2012. For once, having a wide butt was a plus! There would not be enough room for a second passenger between the pilot and the innkeeper – we each got to go aloft alone for a comfortable ride. The camera was in use constantly!!The ride lasted a little over 5 minutes but it was awesome!! I would love to go again!!! How wonderful, an opportunity of a lifetime to take a real helicopter ride for
$10 and generate a charitable donation of $20. Reserve your space online at Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the availability calendar. Merry Christmas everyone!