I Want FRESH Coffee!
March 30, 2011: Just how important is fresh coffee? How important is the cup? Do you want a dainty cup? A hand-thrown mug or a face mug made at Riffle Pottery
Or a nice heavy large mug? Do you want a bold coffee that says you had COFFEE or do you prefer a smooth coffee? Or do you just want to try coffees from different parts of the world? The Gillum House knows a fresh cup of coffee is important so we give our guests choices of what part of the world they wish to try (currently we have 21 varieties of green regular coffee beans and 6 in Decaf) so we can have them roasted for breakfast in the morning. Fresh-roasted coffee is the BEST coffee!
Here is the current in-house list:
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe | Indonesian Balinese Kintamani |
Kenya Kubwa | Brazil Serra Negre |
ZimbabweAA | Guatemala |
Costa Rica Café Vida | Fair Trade Organic Bolivia |
Madagascar | Nicaragua Pueblo Nuevo |
Papua New Guinea A Kimel Estate | Mexican Turquesa |
Organic Fair TradeLa Florida Peru | Congo Kivu Katanda |
Hawaiian Kona Blend | Kenya AA |
Rwanda Ingoboka Cooperative | DECAF Costa Rica KVW SHB EP |
Colombian Supremo | DECAF GUATEMALA KVW |
Sumatra | DECAF Ethiopia KVW EP |
Hawaii Kauai | DECAF Brazil |
Hawaii Maui Natural Typica | DECAF Hawaiian Maui Kaampali |
Zambia Taranova Estate | DECAF Honduran |
Won’t you join us for a fresh cup of coffee in the morning? Reserve online at http://www.gillumhouse.com/accommodations/#reserve or call 888-592-0177.