Making Memories in Shinnston - Easter 2012
April 07, 2012: What is more important for a family than making memories? 30, 40, 50 years later siblings and cousins gather together for a reunion and tell stories to their children and each other – “Do you remember when…..”Today was one of those days in Shinnston for some families. It was a bright, sunny crisp day – perfect for a morning at the Park with the children. Today the City of Shinnston’s Recreation Coordinator Nathan Drain and his Activities Committee held the Easter Egg Gather although the grass did give a bit of a Hide & Seek to it. The Easter Bunny came hopping out to each group of children (3 separate age groups came for their designated times) to entertain, pose for photos, and help “find” the eggs. Most of the eggs were filled with candy but some held passes to the pool for this summer and some had a ticket to be redeemed at the Prize Table. Approximately 75 children came for the fun. In addition to the eggs and music, there were Inflatibles from Cartoon Headquarters for the children to enjoy – a Bounce House and a hit the ball and toss the ball.
The Park is a center of activity in Shinnston with the walking trail going around the perimeter, pavilions for picnics and reunions, tournament-grade bocce courts (May 19 there will be a fundraiser tournament for the United Way), horseshoe pits, and coming this summer – Cornhole!! The zero-grade entry pool with water slide is very busy all summer. On July 1the Shinnston Community Band will assemble before a crowd of several thousand for the annual Independence Concert followed by Fireworks. Shinnston is a City that knows how important it is to create memories of fun and family.