Our Garden Grows Again
April 20, 2015, Gillum House, Shinnston: For the last few weeks, Shinnston’s Lee Reger, Mater Gardener, has been working with the Master Gardener volunteers, Mayor DeMarco, Pastor Cindy Murphy, and community volunteers to plan and plant the Shinnston Community Garden 2015.In 2014, using land owned by the First United Methodist Church and funding from part of a grant from West Virginia DHHR’s Growing Healthy Communities, the Shinnston Community Garden was born. As per stated in the grant application, ALL produce raised would go to the Lord’s Pantry Food Bank. Over 800 pounds of produce was raised and donated in 2014. The plan for 2015 is MORE. An expanded Garden raising more produce for the Lord's Pantry is planned.
Since the beginning of April, the work has been on-going. April 11 was a big work day with planting potatoes, spinach, cabbage, and lettuce. Garlic and green onions had already been planted and were up. Flowers were planted in the flower boxes on the fence to beautify as well as feed.
On the 18th, Lee Reger brought out the tiller so more potatoes, bush beans, and corn could be planted next week. He will have more compost put over potatoes that were planted too shallow due to the hardness of the ground.
A big thank you goes to the City of Clarksburg for donating a ton of compost to our Community Garden.
Come visit Shinnston and see how our Garden Grows in 2015.