Reasons # 11 and 12 To Visit Shinnston
May 27, 2014 Gillum House Bed & Breakfast: We are going to combine Reasons # 12 and 11 into one posting. Reason #12 is a Museum within a 2-hour scenic drive of Shinnston (and if interested, the Palace of Gold can be on the routing) and #11 is all the small museums in the area – each with its own history to be told. There is quite a variety of focus also. We hope you enjoy this snippet of discovery.#11 – Museum Tour – There are many museums in the area in and around Shinnston for those seeking history of an area, of an industry, of military, or genealogy. The Bice-Ferguson Memorial Museum has a permanent exhibit of telephones from wall mounted crank-types to candlestick, to princess and Shinnston history that is more than dusty files. The inner exhibit area changes monthly throughout the April – October season.There are Historical Society museums such as the Harrison County Historical Society, Marion County Historical Society, and the Depot Museum in Philippi around the area. For those searching for family history there are genealogy research sites such as the Swiger Family Museum, Genealogy Room at the Lowe Public Library, Hackers Creek Genealogy Museum, and the WVU Library. One can also find Military museums in Weston and Parkersburg, Glass museums in Weston and Wheeling, and homes such as Adaland and the Anna Jarvis House.
#12 – Birthplace of a State – West Virginia is the only State created from another State during a war. The 3rd floor Courtroom of the Custom House at Market Street and 16th Street was the site of the formation of the new State which was ultimately named, West Virginia. Now known as Independence Hall,
the Courtroom has been restored and Independence Hall is now a West Virginia Museum. On June 19, 1863 the Custom House on Market Street was in Wheeling, Virginia. However, on June 20, 1863, the Custom House was located on Market Street in Wheeling, West Virginia! Also when in Wheeling the Suspension Bridge to Wheeling Island is interesting. After crossing the bridge, on the left is the city building that chronicles the floods on the Island over the years with year and marks on the wall of depth of the flooding.