To Be in Accident will NOT be an Accident!
August 2, 2012: On Friday, July 27 this innkeeper was introduced to a cheese maker from Accident, Maryland. On Saturday, July 28 I had the privilege of tasting 3 of his cheeses. Mike Koch of Firefly Farms, Inc at 107 South Main Street, Accident, Maryland 21520 makes wonderful goat cheeses. First of all, I must explain that my Mother raised a bunch of “rats” in more ways than one. Wave a hunk of cheese and we are following. The children of Marien Moran love cheese, especially GOOD cheese. This is GOOD CHEESE!I tried the Merry Goat Round, Mountain Top Bleu, and the Cabra La Mancha. All were wonderful!!! I even liked the bleu cheese. (I will buy it next time.)
It took until Tuesday for me to be able to sit down with my cheeses and crackers. I also had a lemon drop melon to try so that was also on my menu for supper that night. Since my Tuesday night guest had arrived just before I tied into it (and I wanted a second opinion), she joined me. The lemon drop melon was a variety neither of us had had before. It had just a hint of tartness that went well with the cheeses and crackers. She liked both but had a slight preference for the Cambra La Mancha. I loved them both.
I can see now that it will not be an accident that I will be in Accident, Maryland soon.