Way Up North Came South!
February 4, 2011: We had some VERY interesting guests last night. They arrived about 4 P. M. and were shown to their room so they could get settled in. Our guests were innkeepers from Canada. Harry was able to use our WiFi to take care of his business on his laptop. They were the first B & B in Canada to ask if they could be part of the B & Bs For Vets. Harry told me at the time, “I was in the Canadian Air Force for 36 years. If is OK, we would like to participate in the free rooms for Veterans.”Their B & B is in Victoria Harbour, Ontario on Georgian Bay. On their web site, Harry and Carol introduce themselves by saying “your Functional or Dysfunctional hosts would like to welcome you to Tucked Inn the Harbour Bed & Breakfast.” With an introduction like that, you know you will have a wonderful and fun visit.We all went to dinner at Jimmy’s Diner (it was Thursday – spaghetti night at Jimmy’s). When I told Harry about Jimmy’s signature sandwich – the Rosi – he had to try it. He ordered the large Rosi! Few people can handle a large Rosi. The Rosi is a sausage sandwich made with Jimmy’s own slightly hot sausage and it comes with cheese, onions, and peppers (your choice of sweet, mild, or HOT!) and if served on a dinner plate, you would not see the plate for the bun. Harry had HOT peppers. (Psst – don’t tell anyone, but Carol had to help Harry finish the Rosi.) The rest of us had spaghetti!After a stop to see our Chapel (St Margaret Y Castillo Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is the only 24/7 Chapel in West Virginia), we returned to the Gillum House for a wonderful evening of conversation. They told us about Victoria Harbour and told us about the Inuksuk they brought us.
We told them about Shinnston and its history and then we talked about ourselves and our families.This morning, Harry and Carol had our signature Gillum House breakfast. He chose Ethiopia for his morning coffee and Carol chose Sicilian Sunset tea. Juices were orange juice and a blueberry/pomegranate blend for the non-citric. The fruit was a compote of watermelon, papaya, kiwi, and mango with vanilla yogurt on the side. The entrée was our sour cream and chives with three cheeses egg bake served with bacon and Kathleen’s English muffin bread hot from the oven. We presented Harry with a roast of Sumatra coffee beans "for the road". He likes "bold" coffees.
After breakfast we said goodbye to our new friends as they continued on to Kentucky and points south visiting old friends as they would wend their way to a cruise out of Florida. Bon voyage, new friends!