Would You Like Some Homemade Pretzels?

April 13, 2010: I have been having a great time baking. A friend asked for a bagel recipe recently – “I have one and I even know where it is!” Wrong! The recipe I could envision was for pretzels. Soft pretzels.  Yes, I went through a bagel phase after finding a very easy bagel recipe for her, but I wanted pretzels! Pretzels with honey mustard or pretzels with spicy brown mustard. They really are best with mustard.I am waiting for some guests to arrive. They phoned earlier to say they had been involved in an accident (minor I hope since they are hauling horses!) and were delayed. What shall I do as I wait? I did finally do my taxes so I do not have to do that. All is ready for the guests. Aha! Pretzels!The guests may be a bit hungry when they arrive, so I made pretzels. Each room has a plate of pretzels with a container of honey mustard for dipping waiting for them on the dresser. What so you think? Would you like to find a plate of freshly made, homemade pretzels waiting for you on arrival? A plate like this?Homemade PretzelsGo to Gillum House reservations  and reserve your room or call 888-592-0177 for your plate of pretzels.

Gillum House, My Placekpanek