Gillum House

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English Muffin Bread

3 cups all-purpose flour                   

¼ teaspoon baking SODA

2 packages active dry yeast             

2 ½ cups very warm water

1 Tablespoon sugar                          

3 cups all-purpose flour

Sift 3 cups flour, yeast, sugar, and baking soda into a large bowl. Add very warm water (hot water from faucet). Beat approx 100 strokes. Add remaining flour. Mix well. Cover & let raise. Stir down and spoon into 2- bread pans (9x5) sprayed with non-stick. Cover, let raise until doubled. Bake in pre-heated 375 F oven 25-30 minutes.  Bread should sound hollow then thumped on bottom.

This recipe can be halved to make 2 - 3x5 loaves of bread or doubled. If making a half recipe, still use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.