Traveling with Horse

It was a beautiful day today. It was perfect to go for a drive through the countryside. We had snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning. I thought I was going to be able to tell everyone - we have snow! Unfortunately, true to form for my patch of my beloved West Virginia, by Noon, it was gone. We are on the verge of "greening-up". We had some folks traveling with a horse stop in. Such a beautiful horse! The lady grabbed her camera very quickly because she said, "No one is going to believe me when I tell them we saw a camel in West Virginia." The stable owners also had a calf penned in with hay bales in the stable that is just a couple days old. Mama cow did not have milk for the calf so they are bottle-feeding it. Cookie said she thinks the calf is going to survive. The pot-bellied pigs are totally indifferent to the calf. I swear it looks as if they have not moved an inch since the last time I was out at the stable. We have another horse coming in within the next couple weeks. I will check to see if they have moved by then.I am happy to report rehearsals have started with the Shinnston Community Band for our concerts this summer. July 1 will be the annual Independence Concert and Fireworks and the Band will also be performing a concert for the Shinnston-Lincoln Alumni festivities July 19. We may have another performance but it has yet to be announced. Until next time....

Gillum Housekpanek